The seller declares that the products meet the usual quality requirements for these goods. The general characteristics of each product available in the store are provided in the description of each respective product.

The seller is not responsible if the colors, shapes, or other parameters of the products in the store do not match the actual characteristics of these products due to the visual features conveyed by the communication means used by the customer. Additionally, the appearance of the packaging itself may differ from what is shown on the website.

The seller is not responsible for the deterioration in the quality of the products if the customer or individuals to whom the customer has handed over the goods used them for purposes other than those for which such products are normally used, did not adhere to the requirements indicated in the instructions, violated the rules for transportation, storage, use, and/or storage of the products, or if visible defects in the packaging or other external factors were not discussed in writing at the time of delivery or if the deterioration in the quality of the products is caused by the actions of the customer or other individuals to whom the customer has sold the products.


Deficiencies in products sold to the customer are rectified, and defective products are replaced and returned in accordance with the “Rules for the Return and Exchange of Goods,” approved by the Order No. 217 of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania on June 29, 2001.

In the case of returning unsatisfactory products, the customer is responsible for the delivery fee. The seller covers the shipping costs of returned defective products.

The seller accepts products from the customer if: the product is unused, has not lost its original appearance, and is undamaged; it is presented in its original, orderly packaging; the full product set is returned; the customer provides the purchase document for the product.

The product is not exchangeable, irreparable deficiencies are not rectified, and refunds are not provided if the deficiencies in the product arise from the customer’s violation of the rules for the use or storage of the product.